Ironman/ Iron-cabin

Hello! Sorry to keep you hanging for so long! Again, doing a blog and not having Internet do not mix very well. Time has flown by!

In June we officially moved back into our tent. It was still holding up strong from the winter and waiting for our arrival back home. I wish I could express in words how blessed we were by living in our dear friends home over the winter/spring. Not only did God provide for us physically, he also far surpassed our expectations with a SWEET relationship he gave us with the family whose home we were living in! To say the least, we feel like we’ve gained some family members! Just to give you a glimpse of this family’s character I want to share what their four sweet children told us when we moved out of the house and back to our tent. They told us we were welcome to come live in their tree house that their dad is building them right now. How precious- they learned from their parents that nothing they posses is theirs, everything is given to us by God and we must always live with a loose grip on stuff and a generous heart! I love that lesson and Jeremiah and I hope to model this as well! We are forever grateful for that unexpected season in life!

We can’t believe we are already at the end of summer!   The summer was busy with many things- from spending time with people we love that came to visit us to travelling to Lake Placid, New York to cheer for my sister’s ironman race. We had a packed but great summer! My wonderful husband still managed to trek away with the cabin in the midst of the business. It’s been so neat to watch Jeremiah through this process. He has undergone a task that many wouldn’t dare jump into. Despite all the challenges it brings, he is determined to see it through the end. I respect that in him so much!

As for me, I am learning to embrace the process and to be patient in the important details of building a cabin. I’m learning to stop asking the “are we there yet?” question so much! I’m learning that the journey to home is just as important as the destination. I’m learning to be quiet, content, and thankful for the Father’s many blessings that are right in front of me.

Now to the Ironman adenture!

My sister has been training for years to fulfill her dream of completing an Ironman. This past July, Jeremiah and I had the opportunity to go watch her become an “Ironman”- consisting of a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and 26.2 miles of running!!! Insane, I know!

Jeremiah, Kendra, and I were standing by the lake that she would be swimming in the next morning on race day, pondering the past year and all that it took to get there. Kendra compared the ironman to our cabin- she called it our “iron-cabin”. I liked that.

Both the ironman and the “iron -cabin” have taken MUCH time and investment.

Both find you in the early mornings and late nights.

Both get you out of your comfort zone.

Both come with many hardships and struggles.

Both take dedication, patience, diligence, and discipline.

Both lead you down a road less traveled.

So why? Why, is the question that my sister and my husband and I get A LOT!

My sister sums it up great in this quote,


Yes, doing an ironman race and building a cabin aren’t the easiest journeys in life BUT the finish line is oh so sweet! We haven’t quiet reached our finish line yet, but watching my sister and many others as they crossed the finish line with tears of joy gave Jeremiah and I a little taste of what the finish line- what home in the cabin- will be like. Here are some updates on the cabin! We are on our last leg of the race.


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